Drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities use both process and analytical instrumentation in daily plant operation. We can help you answer three questions:

  1. What are the key components of reliable instrumentation?
  • Sensor (consists of a transducer, amplifier, cable)
  • Analyzer (input board, display, processor board, output board, software)
  • Mounting Hardware, Wiring, Communication
  1. Where is instrumentation used in our facility?
  • The most common process measurements are: flow, pressure, level, and temperature.
  • The most common analytical measurements are: pH, Chlorine, and Dissolved Oxygen.
  • Other monitoring may include combustible and toxic gas detection.
  1. Who can get us equipment that will meet our needs?
  • ABCD – four keys to qualifying a supplier: Availability, Back-Up, Cost-Friendly, Dependability

There are many major processes and analytical instruments used in treatment facilities today.

Our application guide can be used to simplify the process of instrumentation selection.

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Areas of Measurement & Control

Municipal Water Treatment Areas of Measurement & Control

Municipal Drinking Water Treatment Areas of Measurement & Control

Municipal Drinking Water Treatment Areas of Measurement & Control